Dr. Margaret Hunt MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY, MBIM 650/720 Reading: Murray et al., Microbiology, 3rd Ed.: Ch. 6 and appropriate parts of Ch. 54 (Picornaviruses), Ch. 58 (Rhabdoviruses), Ch. 55 (Paramyxoviruses), Ch. 56 (Orthomxyoviruses), Ch. 57 (Reoviruses), Ch. 48 (Vial diagnosis) |
TEACHING OBJECTIVES Descriptive analysis of the replicative strategies employed by animal RNA viruses Identification of virus prototypes associated with different RNA virus replication schemes
RNA VIRUS REPLICATION - GENERAL STRATEGIES a) RNA VIRUSES WHICH DO NOT COPY THEIR RNA INTO DNA: These viruses need an RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase to replicate their RNA, but animal cells do not seem to possess such an enzyme. Therefore, this type of animal RNA virus needs to code for an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. No viral proteins can be made until
viral messenger RNA is available. Thus, the nature of the RNA in the
virion affects the strategy of the virus.
b) RNA VIRUSES WHICH COPY THEIR RNA INTO DNA: These are the retroviruses. In this case, their virion RNA, although plus-sense, is not released in the cytoplasm, and so does not function as mRNA immediately upon infection. Instead it serves as a template for reverse transcriptase and is immediately copied into DNA. Reverse transcriptase is not available in the cell, and so these viruses need to code for this enzyme and package it in virions. THE TRANSLATION PROBLEM Eucaryotic host cell translation protein synthesis machinery in general uses monocistronic mRNAs and so there is a problem in making more than one type of protein from a single mRNA. RNA viruses have several solutions to this problem:
GENOME SIZE OF RNA VIRUSES RNA viruses tend to have a relatively small genome (although virion size may not necessarily be small). This is probably because the lack of RNA error correction mechanisms puts a limit on the size of RNA genomes. The result of having a small genome is that RNA viruses tend to code for only a few proteins. These will include a polymerase which can copy RNA into a complementary nucleic acid (either RNA or, as in the case of retroviruses, DNA) and a viral attachment protein.
1. PICORNAVIRUSES PROPERTIES Small (28nm), naked icosahedral viruses
(pico=very small) ADSORPTION AND PENETRATION A viral protein recognizes a receptor on
the host cell
membrane (important in tropism of virus). SYNTHESIS OF VIRAL PROTEINS Poliovirus virion RNA functions as an mRNA but does not have the methylated cap structure typical of eucaryotic mRNAs - it has a "ribosome landing pad" (internal ribosome entry site, IRES) which enables ribosomes to bind without having to recognize a 5' methylated cap structure. |
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The mRNA is translated into a single polypeptide (polyprotein), which is cleaved. Cleavage occurs before translation is complete, i.e. on nascent chain. Cleavages are carried out by virally coded proteases. |
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Products of cleavage include:
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RNA REPLICATION We now have newly made viral proteins to support replication.
ASSEMBLY When sufficient plus-sense progeny
RNA and virion proteins have accumulated, assembly begins. NOTE: THE ENTIRE LIFE CYCLE OCCURS IN THE CYTOPLASM
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RNA REPLICATION RNA replication is the process by
which new copies of genome-length RNAs are made.
The new positive strand is copied into full
length minus strand, which is also coated with nucleocapsid protein as it is
made. New negative strands may:
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ASSEMBLY The virus consists of two "modules" - the envelope and the nucleocapsid: Envelope
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Nucleocapsid Synthesis of the nucleocapsid was described above. Once nucleocapsids are formed, the RNA polymerase associates with them - and the complex is now ready to be packaged. Nucleocapsids bud out through modified areas of membrane which contain G and M proteins. The M (matrix) protein is involved in assembly - it interacts with patches of G in the membrane and with nucleocapsids.
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Hemagglutination is easy to test for in the clinical laboratory and is used in diagnosis involves the agglutination of red blood cells. It relies on the ability of a virus to bind to receptors on red blood cells. Since viruses have multiple attachment proteins per virion, they can bind to more than one red blood cell and so they can serve to link red blood cells into a network. Inactivated virus can still hemagglutinate as long as its attachment proteins are intact. If someone has antibodies to a viral hemagglutinin, then the serum of that person will inhibit agglutination by the virus to which they have antibodies - but not by other hemagglutinating viruses. This can be used to determine which hemagglutinating virus a person has been exposed to. Hemadsorption relies similarly on the ability to bind red blood cells. If a virus puts a viral attachment protein into the plasma membrane of the infected cell which can bind to receptors on red blood cells, then the infected cell will bind red blood cells. This may enable virally infected cells to be detected at an early stage in infection, and may enable the detection of viruses which do not visibly damage the cell.
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ADSORPTION AND PENETRATION The H(N)/G protein recognizes receptors on cell surface. The F protein facilitates fusion between membranes at physiological pH, so although paramyxoviruses can be taken up by coated pits, they also often enter the cell by direct fusion with the plasma membrane. Hence syncytia can be formed in paramyxovirus infections.
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similar to rhabdoviruses: Viral RNA replication involves full length plus strand synthesis. This is used as a template for full length minus strand. Both full length strands are coated with nucleocapsid protein as they are made. New full length minus strands may serve as templates for replication, or templates for transcription, or they may be packaged into new virions.
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ASSEMBLY Both viral glycoproteins [i.e.
attachment protein and F (fusion) protein] are translated as transmembrane
proteins and transported to the cell plasma membrane. ROLE OF THE NEURAMINIDASE In those paramyxoviruses which have it, the neuraminidase may facilitate release. In these viruses, sialic acid appears to be an important part of the receptor. The neuraminidase removes sialic acid (neuraminic acid) from the cell surface. Thus, since sialic acid will have been largely removed from the cell surface and the progeny virions, neither will have functional receptors, so progeny virions will not stick to each other or to the cell they have just budded out from (or any other infected cell). They will therefore be able to diffuse away until they meet an uninfected cell. The neuraminidase may also help during infection since, if the virus binds to sialic acid residues in mucus, it would not be able to bind to a receptor on a cell and infect that cell. But if the sialic acid in the mucus is eventually destroyed, the virus will be freed and may then reach a receptor on the cell surface. ACTIVATION OF THE F PROTEIN The F protein needs to be cleaved before it can function in facilitating fusion when the virus binds to another cell. This is a late event in maturation.
ORTHOMYXOVIRUSES There are three groups of influenza virus: A, B and C. Influenza A virus is most intensively studied. Pleomorphic virions
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ADSORPTION AND PENETRATION Virus adsorbs to receptors on the cell surface. Virus is engulfed by coated pits. At acid pH of an endosome, HA undergoes a conformational change and fusion occurs. Nucleocapsids are released to cytoplasm.
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TRANSCRIPTION, TRANSLATION AND REPLICATION Nucleocapsids are transported into the nucleus. mRNA synthesis and replication of viral RNA occurs in the nucleus. This is very unusual for an RNA virus. Influenza virus has an unusual mechanism for acquiring a methylated, capped 5'end to its mRNAs: A viral endonuclease (packaged in the influenza virus) snips off the 5'end of a host capped, methylated mRNA about 13-15 bases from the 5' end and uses this as a primer for viral mRNA synthesis - hence all flu mRNAs have a short stretch at the 5' end which is derived from host mRNA. The viral RNA polymerase (transcriptase)
copies the template into complementary plus sense mRNA and adds a poly(A) tail. Two of these segments give rise to primary transcripts which can be alternatively spliced (since influenza virus RNA synthesis occurs in the nucleus, it has access to splicing machinery), each giving rise to two mature mRNAs. Thus a single segment can code for more than one protein since the virus has access to splicing machinery. mRNAs are translated in the cytoplasm. Transmembrane proteins are moved to the plasma membrane while proteins needed for RNA replication go to the nucleus.
REPLICATION OF RNA ASSEMBLY HA needs to be cleaved before it can promote fusion on the next round of infection. The requirement for cleavage affects which tissues can produce infectious virus. NA probably helps the virus leave the cell by removing sialic acid from receptors. NA may also help the virus penetrate mucus to reach epithelial cells of respiratory tract by enabling it to dissociate from sialic acid-containing receptors in the mucus by destroying them. (The virus can infect cells because endocytosis presumably occurs before the receptors can be destroyed.) There are similarities and differences between the Paramyxovirus family and the Orthomyxovirus family, members of both are enveloped, both contain negative sense, single stranded RNA, have helical nucleocapsids. However, the two families are very different. There is NO immunological relationship between the two families. |
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Icosahedral symmetry, multiple
shelled capsid
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ASSEMBLY The mRNAs are translated. The resulting viral proteins assemble to form an immature capsid. (It is not known how the virus ensures that each particle gets one copy of the 11 different mRNAs.) The mRNAs are packaged in the capsid and are now copied within the capsid to form double stranded RNAs. More mRNAs are now made by the newly formed immature capsids. More proteins are made and the immature capsids bud into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. In doing so, they acquire a membrane, a transient envelope which is lost as they mature. This is a very odd feature of the rotaviruses.
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