This is a Schistosoma hematobium egg at higher magnification. In this species, the eggs are large and have a prominent terminal spine at the posterior end, whereas the egg of S. japonicum is typically oval or subspherical, and has a vestigial spine.

Another type of Schistosome is S. Mansonii. To see its egg, go here

Another image of S. hematobium is here

You can read more about human disease cause by trematodes here


  • S. mansonii

    Causes hematuria

    Eggs are excreted in urine

    Infection is acquired in via skin penetration

    Found only in the Far East

    Induces strong protective cell-mediated immunity.



  • S. hematobium

    Causes bloody diarrhea

    Eggs are found in stool specimens

    Induces a strong cell-mediated immunity

    Infection is acquired by the oro-fecal route

    Infection is a major risk factor for bladder cancers in some Middle Eastern countries


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