• This is indicative of an infection by:

    Trypanaosma cruzi

    Trypanosoma brucei

    Leishmania donovaniae

  • This is indicative of an infection by:

    Trypanaosma cruzi

    Trypanosoma brucei

    Leishmania donovaniae

© WHO/TDR © WHO/TDR/Stammers
  • This is a species of Glossina. It is the vector of:

    African sleeping sickness

    Dehli boil

    Chagas' disease

  • This is a species of reduvid bug. It is the vector of:

    African sleeping sickness

    Dehli boil

    Chagas' disease

© WHO/TDR/El-Hassan

© WHO/TDR/El-Hassan
  • This is the result of an infection by:

    Trypanosoma cruzi

    Leishmania species

    Plasmodium vivax


  • This patient has jaundiced hands. This is often see in an infection by:

    Trypanosoma cruzi

    Leishmania species

    Trypanosoma brucei



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