From the National Cancer Institute
Waldenström macroglobulinemia
Waldenström macroglobulinemia is a
rare type of slow-growing, non-Hodgkin lymphoma (cancer that begins in the cells
of the immune system). It causes overproduction of a protein called monoclonal
immunoglobulin M (IgM or “macroglobulin”) antibody. Symptoms include weakness,
swollen lymph nodes, severe fatigue, nose bleeds, weight loss, and visual and
neurological problems; some patients do not have symptoms.
Waldenström macroglobulinemia is diagnosed using bone marrow biopsy and blood
tests; other techniques may also be used.
Treatments for Waldenström macroglobulinemia in patients with symptoms may
include plasmapheresis, chemotherapy, and/or biological therapy.
People with Waldenström macroglobulinemia are encouraged to enroll in clinical
trials (research studies) that explore new treatments.
What is Waldenström macroglobulinemia?
Waldenström macroglobulinemia (WM) is a rare, indolent (slow-growing)
non-Hodgkin lymphoma (cancer that begins in the cells of the immune system). WM
is also called lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma. It starts in white blood cells called
B lymphocytes or B cells.
B cells are an important part of the body’s immune system. They form in the
lymph nodes, spleen, and other lymphoid tissues, including bone marrow (the
soft, spongy tissue inside bones). Some B cells become plasma cells, which make,
store, and release antibodies. Antibodies help the body fight viruses, bacteria,
and other foreign substances.
Lymphoplasmacytic cells are cells that are in the process of maturing from B
cells to plasma cells. In WM, abnormal lymphoplasmacytic cells multiply out of
control, producing large amounts of a protein called monoclonal immunoglobulin M
(IgM or “macroglobulin”) antibody. High levels of IgM in the blood cause
hyperviscosity (thickness or gumminess), which leads to many of the symptoms of
How often does Waldenström
macroglobulinemia occur?
WM is a rare cancer; about 1,500 new cases occur annually in the United States.
The incidence of WM is higher in males and higher in whites than in African
Americans. Incidence increases sharply with age. The median age at diagnosis is
63 (half of the cases are diagnosed before age 63, and half are diagnosed after
age 63).
What are the possible causes of
Waldenström macroglobulinemia?
The exact cause of WM is not known. However, scientists believe that genetics
may play a role in WM, because the disease has been seen to run in families.
What are the symptoms of
Waldenström macroglobulinemia?
Some patients do not have symptoms. For those who do have symptoms, the most
common ones are weakness, severe fatigue, bleeding from the nose or gums, weight
loss, and bruises or other skin lesions. Severely high levels of IgM can lead to
hyperviscosity syndrome, in which the blood becomes abnormally thick. Symptoms
of this syndrome include visual problems (e.g., blurring or loss of vision) and
neurological problems (e.g., headache, dizziness, vertigo). During a physical
exam, a doctor may also find swelling of the lymph nodes, spleen, and/or liver.
How is Waldenström
macroglobulinemia diagnosed?
Initial diagnosis of WM is based on blood test and bone marrow biopsy results.
Blood tests are used to determine the level of IgM in the blood and the presence
of proteins, or tumor markers, that can indicate WM. For the biopsy, a sample of
bone marrow (soft, sponge-like tissue in the center of most bones) is removed,
usually from the back of the pelvis bone, through a needle for examination under
a microscope. The pathologist (a doctor who identifies diseases by studying
cells and tissue under a microscope) looks for certain types of lymphocytes
(white blood cells) that indicate WM. Flow cytometry (a method of measuring cell
properties using a light-sensitive dye and laser or other type of light) is
often used to look at markers on the cell surface or inside the lymphocytes.
Additional tests may be recommended to confirm the diagnosis. A computed
tomography (CT or CAT) scan uses a computer linked to an x-ray machine to create
pictures of areas inside the body. This test may be used to evaluate the chest,
abdomen, and pelvis, particularly swelling of the lymph nodes, liver, and/or
spleen. A skeletal survey (x-rays of the skeleton) can help distinguish between
WM and a similar plasma cell cancer, multiple myeloma.
How is Waldenström
macroglobulinemia treated?
At this time, there is no known cure for WM. However, several treatment options
are available to prevent or control the symptoms of the disease.
Patients who do not have symptoms of WM are usually monitored without being
treated; these patients often live for many years before requiring treatment.
Patients with symptoms are usually treated with chemotherapy. Biological therapy
(treatment that stimulates the immune system to fight cancer) is also used to
treat WM. Promising results have been seen with biological therapy and
chemotherapy in combination. An example of combination therapy uses rituximab
and fludarabine. Patients with high levels of IgM and hyperviscosity syndrome
may undergo plasmapheresis. In this procedure, blood from the patient is removed
and circulated through a machine that separates the plasma (which contains the
antibody IgM) from other parts of the blood (red blood cells, white blood cells,
and platelets). The red and white blood cells and platelets are returned to the
patient, along with a plasma substitute. Plasmapheresis is often followed by
Because WM is rare, some doctors may suggest treatments that have been effective
in some cases but are not considered standard treatment and/or are under study
in clinical trials (research studies). Some of these treatments include: