Dr Abdul Ghaffar

MBIM 650/720 Medical Microbiology 

READING: Roitt, Brostoff and Male: Immunology, 4th ed., Chapt. 112 and 27.





Understand the concept and significance of tolerance

Know the factors which determine induction of tolerance

Understand the mechanism of tolerance induction

Understand the concepts of autoimmunity and disease

Know the features of major autoimmune diseases

 Know the theories on etiology of autoimmune disease



Tolerance refers to the specific immunological non-reactivity to an antigen resulting from a previous exposure to the same antigen. While the most important form of tolerance is non-reactivity to self antigens, it is possible to induce tolerance to non-self antigens. When an antigen induces tolerance, it is termed tolerogen.

Induction of tolerance to non-self

Tolerance can be induced to antigenic components on both soluble proteins and cells (tissues) by injecting these materials into animals. Induction of such a tolerance depends on a number of variables.

Tolerance to tissues and cells

Tolerance to tissue and cell antigens can be induced by injection of hemopoietic (stem) cells in neonatal or severely immunocompromised (by lethal irradiation or drug treatment) animals. Also, grafting of a thymus in early life results in tolerance to the donor type cells and tissues. Such animals are known as chimeras. These findings are of significant practical application in bone marrow grafting.

Tolerance to soluble antigens

A state of tolerance to a variety of T-dependent and T-independent antigens has been achieved in various experimental models. Based on these observations it is clear that a number of factors determine whether an antigen will stimulate an immune response or tolerance (Table 1).


Table 1.

Factors that determine induction of immune response or tolerance following challenge with antigen

factors that affect response to Ag

favor immune response

favor tolerance

physical form of antigen

large, aggregated, complex molecules;

soluble, aggregate-free, relatively smaller, less complex molecules, Ag not processed by APC or processed by cell without class II MHC

route of Ag administration

sub-cutaneous or intramuscular

oral or sometimes intravenous

dose of antigen

optimal dose

very large (or sometime very small) dose

age of responding animal

older and immunologically mature

Newborn (mice), immunologically immature

differentiation state of cells

fully differentiated cells; memory T and memory B cells

relatively undifferentiated: B cells with only IgM (no IgD), T cells (e.g. cells in thymic cortex)


Immunologic features of tolerance

Tolerance is different from non-specific immunosuppression, and immunodeficiency. It is an active antigen dependent process in response to the antigen. Like immune response tolerance is specific and like immunological memory, it can exist in T-cell, B cells or both and like immunological memory, tolerance at the T cell level is longer lasting than tolerance at the B cell level.

Induction of tolerance in T cells is easier and requires relatively smaller amounts of tolerogen than tolerance in B cells. Maintenance of immunological tolerance requires persistence of antigen. Tolerance can be broken naturally (as in autoimmune diseases) or artificially (as shown in experimental animals, by x-irradiation, certain drug treatments and by exposure to cross reactive antigens).

Tolerance may be induced to all epitopes or only some epitopes on an antigen and Tolerance to a single antigen may exist at B cell level or T cells level or at both levels.

Mechanism of tolerance induction

The exact mechanism of induction and maintenance of tolerance is not fully understood. Experimental data, however, point to several possibilities.

Clonal deletion: Functionally immature cells of a clone encountering antigen undergo a programmed cell death. For example, auto-reactive T-cells are eliminated in the thymus following interaction with self antigen during their differentiation (negative selection). Recent studies have shown that a variety of antigens are expressed in thymic epithelial cell. Likewise, differentiating early B cells when they encounter self antigen, cell associated or soluble become tolerant. B cells expressing only IgM (no IgD) on their surface when exposed to antigen are more prone to tolerance induction than immune response. Clonal deletion has been shown to occur also in the periphery.

Clonal anergy: Auto-reactive T cells when exposed to antigenic peptides which do not possess co-stimulatory molecules (B7-1 or B7-2) become anergic to the antigen. Also, B cells when exposed to large amounts of soluble antigen down regulate their surface IgM and become anergic. These cells also up-regulate the Fas molecules on their surface. An interaction of these B cells with Fas-ligand-bearing cells results in their death via apoptosis.

Clonal ignorance: T cells reactive to self antigen not represented in the thymus will mature and migrate to the periphery, but they may never encounter the appropriate antigen because it is sequestered in inaccessible tissues. Such cells may die out for lack of stimulus. Auto-reactive B cells that escape deletion may not find the antigen or the specific helper T-cells and hence not be activated and die out.

Receptor editing: B cells which encounter large amounts of soluble antigen, as they do in the body, and bind to this antigen with very low affinity become activated to reexpress their RAG1 and RAG2 genes. These genes cause them to undergo DNA recombination and change their specificity.

Anti-idiotype antibody: Anti-idiotype antibodies produced experimentally have been demonstrated to inhibit immune response to specific antigens. Anti-idiotype antibodies are produced during the process of tolerization and such antibodies have been demonstrated in tolerant animals. These antibodies prevent the receptor from combining with antigen.

Suppressor cells: Both low and high doses of antigen may induce suppressor T cells which can specifically suppress immune responses of both B and T cells, either directly or by production of cytkines, most importantly, TGFβ and IL10.

Termination of tolerance

Experimentally induced tolerance can be terminated by prolonged absence of exposure to the tolerogen, by treatments which severely damage the immune system (x-irradiation) or by immunization with cross reactive antigens. These observations are of significance in the conceptualization of autoimmune diseases.





Autoimmunity can be defined as breakdown of mechanisms responsible for self tolerance and induction of an immune response against components of the self. Such an immune response may not always be harmful (e.g., anti-idiotype antibodies). However, in numerous (autoimmune) diseases it is well recognized that products of the immune system cause damage to the self.

Effector mechanisms in autoimmune diseases

Both antibodies and effector T cells can be involved in the damage in autoimmune diseases.

General classification

Autoimmune diseases are generally classified on the basis of the organ or tissue involved. These diseases may fall in an organ-specific category in which the immune response is directed against antigen(s) associated with the target organ being damaged or a non-organ-specific category in which the antibody is directed against an antigen not associated with the target organ (Table 2). The antigen involved, in most autoimmune diseases is evident from the name of the disease (Table 2).

Genetic predisposition for autoimmunity

Studies in mice and observations in humans suggest a genetic predisposition for autoimmune diseases. Association between certain HLA types and autoimmune diseases has been noted (HLA: B8, B27, DR2, DR3, DR4, DR5 etc.).

Etiology of autoimmunity disease

The exact etiology of autoimmune diseases is not known. However, various theories have been offered. These include sequestered antigen, escape of auto-reactive clones, loss of suppressor cells, cross reactive antigens including exogenous antigens (pathogens) and altered self antigens (chemical and viral infections).

Sequestered antigen: Lymphoid cells may not be exposed to some self antigens during their differentiation, because they may be late-developing antigens or may be confined to specialized organs (e.g., testes, brain, eye, etc.). A release of antigens from these organs resulting from accidental traumatic injury or surgery can result in the stimulation of an immune response and initiation of an autoimmune disease.

Escape of auto-reactive clones: The negative selection in the thymus may not be fully functional to eliminate self reactive cells. Not all self antigens may be represented in the thymus or certain antigens may not be properly processed and presented.







Auto-immunity and thyroid disease

Medline Plus: Hashimoto's disease
Hashimoto's thyroiditis


The Grave's disease page

Medline Plus: Grave's disease


Medline Plus: Addison's disease


NIH/NIDDK: Addison's disease

Family Practice Notebook: Addison's disease







Table 2. 
Spectrum of autoimmune diseases, target organs and diagnostic tests





Antibody to

Diagnostic Test






































Non-organ Specific


Hashimoto's thyroiditis
Information Box

Thyroid Thyroglobulin, thyroid peroxidase (microsomal)

RIA, Passive, CF, hemagglutination

Primary Myxedema


Cytoplasmic  receptor

Immunofluorescence (IF)
Grave's disease
Information Box
Thyroid TSH receptor

Bioassay, Competition for TSH receptor

Pernicious anemia Red cells Intrinsic factor (IF), Gastric parietal cell B-12 binding to IF  immunofluorescence
Addison's disease
Information Box
Adrenal Adrenal cells Immunofluorescence

Premature onset menopause

Ovary Steroid producing cells Immunofluorescence

Male infertility

Sperm Spermatozoa

Agglutination, Immunofluorescence

Insulin dependent juvenile diabetes

Pancreas Pancreatic islet β cells  

Insulin resistant diabetic 

Systemic Insulin receptor

Competition for receptor

Atopic allergy  Systemic

β-adrenergic receptor

Competition for receptor 
Myasthenia gravis Muscle

Muscle, acetyl choline receptor 

Immunofluorescence, competition for receptor 

Goodpasture's syndrome

Kidney, lung

Renal and lung basement membrane Immunofluorescence (linear staining)
Pemphigus Skin Desmosomes
Cadherin molecules
Pemphigoid Skin

Skin basement membrane

Phacogenic uveitis Lens Lens protein  
AI hemolytic anemia Red cells Platelet Red cells Passive hemagglutination

Direct Coomb's test

Idiopathic thrombocytopenia

  Platelet Immunofluorescence

Primary biliary cirrhosis

Liver Mitochondria Immunofluorescence

Idiopathic neutropenia



Neutrophils Immunofluorescence
Ulcerative colitis Colon

Colon lipopolysaccharide

Sjogren's syndrome

Secretory glands

Duct mitochondria Immunofluorescence

Skin Joints

Melanocytes Immunofluorescence
Rheumatoid arthritis Skin, kidney, joints etc IgG IgG-latex agglutination

Systemic lupus erythematosus

joints, etc.


DNA, RNA, nucleoproteins

 RNA-, DNA-latex agglutination, IF (granular in kidney)


NIH/NINDS: Sjogrens's syndrome

Sjogren's syndrome (University of Washington)


Cross reactive antigens: Antigens on certain pathogens may have determinants which cross react with the self antigens and an immune response against these determinants may lead to effector cell or antibodies against tissue antigens. Post streptococcal nephritis and carditis, anticardiolipin antibodies during syphilis and association between Klebsiella and ankylosing spondylitis are examples of such cross reactivity.

Diagnosis: Diagnosis of autoimmune diseases is based on symptoms and detection of antibodies (and/or T cells) reactive against antigens of tissues and cells involved. Antibodies against cell/tissue associated antigens are detected by immunofluorescence. Antibodies against soluble antigens are normally detected ELISA or radioimmunoassay (see table above). In some cases, a biological /biochemical assay may be used (e.g., Graves diseases, pernicious anemia).

Treatment: Anti-inflammatory (corticosteroid) and immunosuppressive (cyclosporin) drug therapy is the present method of treating autoimmune diseases. Future treatments may include more sophisticated methods based on modern understanding of the immune system (e.g., anti-idiotype antibodies, antigen peptides, anti-IL2 receptor antibodies, anti-CD4 antibodies, antiTCR antibodies, etc.).

Models of autoimmune diseases:

There are a number of experimental and natural animal models for the study of autoimmune diseases. The experimental models include experimental auto-allergic encephalitis, experimental thyroiditis, adjuvant induced arthritis, etc.

Naturally occurring models of autoimmune diseases include hemolytic anemia in NZB mice, systemic lupus erythematosus in NZB/NZW (BW), BXSB and MRL mice and diabetes in obese mice.


You should know:

Possible mechanisms of tolerance induction to self.

Role of antigen and host components in tolerance induction.

Different autoimmune diseases and organs/antigens involved in these conditions.

Type of immunologic tests normally used to diagnose different autoimmune diseases.

Possible etiology of autoimmune diseases and the major experimental models.

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This page last changed on Wednesday, May 28, 2003
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URL: http://www.med.sc.edu:85/ghaffar/tolerance2000.htm
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