Incidence of HHV-8 (KSHV) in various risk groups and the general population

Assays vary between studies and some may be more sensitive than others. These data are derived from data summarized in Talbot, S.J. and Whitby, D (1999) Karposi's sarcoma and human herpes virus-8 in "HIV and the New Viruses", Dalgleish, A.G. and Weiss, R. editors. Academic Press and in  Martin et al. (1998) NEJM 338:948-954. US figures are shown in red for comparison

Incidence in control populations

US HIV- controls: 0%, 0%
US/UK HIV- controls: 3%
Ugandan controls: 43%, 51%
Greek controls: 12%, 12%
US blood donors: 1%, 0%
Italian blood donors: 4%
African controls: 13%

(HHV-8 incidence is low in the general population but higher in populations that exhibit high classic KS incidence e.g. Mediterranean countries such as Italy and Greece)

Incidence in KS+ populations

Classic endemic KS: 100%
Greek class KS: 94%

(HHV-8 incidence strongly correlates with classical KS in an HIV negative population)

Incidence in populations with STDs

US STD clinic attenders: 13%

(This shows that HHV-8 is sexually transmitted)

HHV-8 in the non-homosexual population does not correlate with number of partners or STD history and appears not to be sexually transmitted. In the UK the only risk factor in the heterosexual population is country of origin. In Africa, HHV-8 occurs in children and may be transmitted mother to child

Incidence in the general homosexual population

Exclusively homosexual: 40%
Primarily homosexual: 35%
Mostly homosexual: 13%
Bisexual or primarily heterosexual: 6%

(HHV-8 is more common in the homosexual population than in the general population)

Incidence in homosexual population according to number of partners in previous year

0 partners: 1%
1-5: 23%
6-10: 28%
11-50: 41%
51-100: 47%
101-250: 60%
>250: 65%

(HHV-8 is more prevalent in a population of men with a large number of male sexual partners. This also indicated that HHV-8 is sexually transmitted)

Incidence in HIV+ population with no KS

US HIV+ HS men: 30%, 23%, 48%
UK HIV+ HS men: 31%

(HHV-8 incidence is high in homosexual men with HIV and at risk for KS)


Incidence in HIV+ population with AIDS-KS

US AIDS KS: 83%, 52%
US/Italy/Uganda AIDS-KS: 82%
African KS: 100%
Uganda AIDS KS: 82%

(HHV-8 incidence strongly correlates with aggressive KS in an HIV positive population)