Togavirus transcription and translation
Chikungunya virus. Colorized transmission EM CDC
The genus Alphaviridae is part of the Togaviridae family
The virus is taken up by endocytosis through clathrin-coated pits after binding to a cell surface receptor. In the cytoplasm the positive strand RNA is translated to a large polyprotein. This is then self-cleaved to four non-structural proteins that are the enzymes that will be needed for RNA replication via a double strand (+/-) intermediate and the transcription of more positive strand RNA. Later, in the second phase, a subgenomic mRNA corresponding to the 3' end of the genome is transcribed and this is translated to the structural proteins. These are the nucleocapsid protein (C) and the membrane proteins (P62 and E1 which form a dimer). P62 is further cleaved to E2 and E3 after embedding in the membrane.