Parasitology Laboratory

Please answer the following questions. Note that once you have clicked on the submit button at the bottom of the page, you may not submit another answer


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        Please answer the following multiple choice questions

1. Taenia solium is passed from the secondary host to humans by

Eating ground squirrel brains
Eating undercooked pork
Drinking feces-contaminated water 
Wading in snail-infected streams

2. Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of

African sleeping sickness
Delhi boil
Chagas' disease
3. Trypansoma brucei causes disease in


For the following questions, please write no more than 25 words

4. Please write a short description of the life cycle of Trichuris trichiura (whipworm):


5. Please write a short description of the life cycle of Taenia solium:

6. Please identify the organism shown in this picture and describe its life cycle:

Please check if you would like to talk with Drs Brower or Singh on this subject

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Richard Hunt
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