Cases of Rabies in Human Beings in the United States, by Circumstances of Exposure and Rabies Virus Variant, 1995-2011
Date of Death State of Residence Exposure History* Rabies Virus Variant†
March 15, 1995 WA Unknown# Bat, Msp
September 21, 1995 CA Unknown# Bat, Tb
October 3, 1995 CT Unknown# Bat, Ln/Ps
November 9, 1995 CA Unknown# Bat, Ln/Ps
February 8, 1996 FL Dog bite - Mexico Dog, Mexico
August 20, 1996 NH Dog bite - Nepal Dog, SE Asia
October 15, 1996 KY Unknown Bat, Ln/Ps
December 19, 1996 MT Unknown Bat, Ln/Ps
January 5, 1997 MT Unknown# Bat, Ln/Ps
January 18, 1997 WA Unknown# Bat, Ef
October 17, 1997 TX Unknown# Bat, Ln/Ps
October 23, 1997 NJ Unknown# Bat, Ln/Ps
December 31, 1998 VA Unknown Bat, Ln/Ps
September 20, 2000 CA Unknown# Bat, Tb
October 9, 2000 NY Dog bite - Ghana Dog, Africa
October 10, 2000 GA Unknown# Bat, Tb
October 25, 2000 MN Bat bite - MN Bat, Ln/Ps
November 1, 2000 WI Unknown# Bat, Ln/Ps
February 4, 2001 CA Unknown# - Philippines Dog, Philippines
March 31, 2002 CA Unknown# Bat, Tb
August 31, 2002 TN Unknown# Bat, Ln/Ps
September 28, 2002 IA Unknown# Bat, Ln/Ps
March 10, 2003 VA Unknown# Raccoon, Eastern US
June 5, 2003 PR Bite Dog/Mongoose, Puerto Rico
September 14, 2003 CA Bite Bat, Ln/Ps
February 15, 2004 FL Bite Dog, Hati
May 3, 2004 AR Bite (organ donor) Bat, Tb
June 7, 2004 OK Liver transplant recipient Bat, Tb
June 9, 2004 TX Kidney transplant recipient Bat, Tb
June 10, 2004 TX Arterial transplant recipient Bat, Tb
June 21, 2004 TX Kidney transplant recipient Bat, Tb
Survived, 2004 WI Unknown# Bat, Unknown
October 26, 2004 CA Unknown# Dog, El Salvador
September 27, 2005 MS Unknown# Bat, Unknown
May 12, 2006 TX Unknown# Bat, Tb
November 2, 2006 IN Bite Bat, Ln/Ps
December 14, 2006 CA Bite Dog, Philippines
October 20, 2007 MN Bite Bat, Unknown
March 18, 2008 CA Bite-Mexico Fox, Tb-related
November 30, 2008 MO Bite Bat, Ln/Ps
Survived, 2009 TX Unknown# Bat, Unknown
October 20, 2009 IN Unknown# Bat, Ps
November 11, 2009 MI Unknown# Bat, Ln/Ps
November 20, 2009 VA Bite Dog, India
August 21, 2010 LA Bite Bat, Mexico, Ds
January 10, 2011 WI Unknown Bat, Ps
Survived, 2011 CA Unknown Unknown
July 20, 2011 NJ Bite Dog, Haiti
August 31, 2011 NY Bite Dog, Afghanistan

* Data for exposure history are reported only when the biting animal was available and tested positive for rabies; or when plausible information was reported directly by the patient (if lucid or credible); or when a reliable account of an incident consistent with rabies exposure (e.g., dog bite) was reported by an independent witness (usually a family member).

# In some instances where the exposure history is unknown, there may have been known or inferred interaction which, especially for bats, could have involved an unrecognized bite.

† Variants of the rabies virus associated with terrestrial animals in the United States are identified with the name of the reservoir animal (dog or dog/coyote in all cases shown) followed by the name of the most definitive geographic entity (usually the country) from which the variant has been identified. Variants of the rabies virus associated with bats are identified with the name(s) of the species of bat(s) in which they have been found to be circulating. Because information regarding the location of the exposure and the identity of the exposing animal are almost always retrospective, and much information is frequently unavailable, the location of the exposure and the identity of the animal responsible for the infection are often limited to deduction.

Ln/Ps=Lasionycteris noctivagans or Pipistrellus subflavus, the silver-haired bat or the eastern pipistrelle; Msp=Myotis, species unknown; Tb=Tadarida brasiliensis, the Brazilian (Mexican) free-tailed bat; Ef=Eptesicus fuscus, the big brown bat; Ds=Desmodus rotundus, the vampire bat.